Google Doesn’t Release Any Comment on Pigeon Update

Google Pigeon Update

On 31st July, I have published a post on Pigeon Update of the local search results but as per, Google basically told them, they have nothing to say on this and likely will not provide future details on local search algorithm changes.

Google Pigeon Algorithm – Google Launches New Local Search Algorithm

Google Pigeon update

Google Pigeon update local search

Last night of 25th July’14, Google released a pretty significant local search algorithm update. As per Google, there was no internal name for this update, but now as per, they see that it was fairly significant and they decided to give it a name: Pigeon.

Pigeon is the name they decided on because this is a local search update and pigeons tend to fly back home. This is not really a spam change but there are some fundamental change to the local search ranking algorithm. And we can say that there can be some significant number of queries impacted by this local algorithm change.

The changes have rolled out to both the Google Maps search results and Google Web search results. It also has better accuracy over distance and location rankings. There are not seeing some changes in the rankings but some SEOs are chatting about it on different forums.