Is Your Website READY for Google PENGUIN (3.0 or 2.2) Update?

Google Penguin Update 2014

As you know that Google has not released the Penguin update since last 9-10 months. So every webmaster or site owners are waiting the Latest Google Penguin update. It can be named as Penguin 2.2 or Penguin 3.0. But my question is to all of you
that Is Your Website Penguin Proof?

Thousands of webmasters have been performed link audits after being impacted by Penguin. Specifically, they have gone to great lengths to remove or disavow every link that could be interpreted by Google as being part of a link scheme.

However, as everyone should know by now, Google always keeps its cards fairly close to their vest, and there has been no definite announcement regarding Penguin 3.0, it’s due date, or if this will even be published name for the next update.

It’s our job, as an SEO and content marketers, to be as prepared for Google’s upcoming updates as humanly possible. So, with Penguin 3.0 or 2.2 update, let’s look at what should be for the Penguin proof, and how to keep our websites and blogs from falling under new penguin update.

This Penguin will be looking even more closely at:

  • Link strategies: We should check the all links with the help of Google webmaster tools and other link evaluation tools so we can assure that there are not running any spam links on the website. You’re looking for links from non-niche directories,
    low quality articles or profiles, spammy blog comments, and irrelevant or unrelated websites.

    • Remove Site wide links with exact match keyword
    • Remove paid links from high value websites
  • Anchor text usage: Avoid over optimized anchor text. Also do following…
    • Remove articles with exact match anchor text
    • Remove Exact match and keyword rich anchor texts
    • Remove keyword based anchor text in the Guest Blogging
  • On-page SEO than ever before: Now this update will more focus on on-page optimization so EVALUATE your on-page optimization. Now Google wants to provide quality content to its users, but that content still needs to be properly optimized as per relevant search queries. We should remove the keyword stuffing, and embrace a more advanced on-page strategy fro the websites. Some basic recommendations are following:
    • Optimize your URL structures. Remove keyword stuffing from the URLs.
    • Use short and meaningful URLs.
    • Write more effective title tags as per relevant search query. Title must be for users not for the search engines.
    • Add H1 tags for heading to your page content.
    • Decrease loading time
    • Remove Server errors and clean your code.
  • Content Optimization: The page content must be for users only. Old content can be a problem as per Google quality guidelines. Remove old pages which are no more required and there page views are very low. Some websites has low quality content as per old Google guidelines. There must be change the content as per latest Google guidelines.

Proper SEO strategy requires ongoing link audits of your back-links profile to find your bad links. Cleanup those bad links or proactively disavow them, just like Google recommends. Unfortunately, Google is not done rolling out punishing updates
that nail site owners who violate their webmaster guidelines. If you want to survive Google updates, you need to be ahead.

I think Google is testing Penguin related algorithm changes and may or may not launch it any day. Keep an eye on your main keywords rankings, Google webmaster tool and Google Analytics too. Penguin update may come any time any day. So be Alert
about it. The reason is that Penguin is an algorithm and not incorporated into the normal and ongoing search engine refreshes.

According to Google’s John Mueller, Penguin requires a “complete rerun” of the algorithm. So there can be some happiness and tears too because this update will increase or decrease the rankings an traffic too. If webmasters have done a hard work on links, website on-page and its content then they can get the happiness otherwise the they can also get tears. So Be ready for new Google Penguin Update.

When you get any news for this update then please share with me too.

Google Pigeon Algorithm – Google Launches New Local Search Algorithm

Google Pigeon update

Google Pigeon update local search

Last night of 25th July’14, Google released a pretty significant local search algorithm update. As per Google, there was no internal name for this update, but now as per, they see that it was fairly significant and they decided to give it a name: Pigeon.

Pigeon is the name they decided on because this is a local search update and pigeons tend to fly back home. This is not really a spam change but there are some fundamental change to the local search ranking algorithm. And we can say that there can be some significant number of queries impacted by this local algorithm change.

The changes have rolled out to both the Google Maps search results and Google Web search results. It also has better accuracy over distance and location rankings. There are not seeing some changes in the rankings but some SEOs are chatting about it on different forums.

Google Penguin 2.1 – How to recover it?

Penguin 2.1 update Google has been released its spam fighting algorithm on 4th October’13, named as “Google Penguin 2.1. Search Engine Experts believe that this update has been hampered only few percent queries searched by users. As per this update, Google wants only more reachable and easier to locate websites for the Users.

But the question is that how can websites avoid a Penguin penalty?

And the some answers come in my mind are following…

  • Basically we have to focus on making the site is more usable for your visitors.
  • Syndicate your blog’s content.
  • Publish some user friendly unique videos to YouTube.
  • Distribute your content on only high quality PR websites .
  • Write useful guest blogs without any keyword stuffing

What should you do if you have been penalized by Penguin 2.1:

  • Identify the Problem and realize your mistakes which you have done for your website.
  • Always remember that Google is just looking for you to do what’s best for your users. If you are publishing or providing only the user friendly content to the users then there is no problem but if you are working only for search engines then is not good for your websites.
  • If your traffic is going down after October then your website is 100 % affected by this update and you have to rectify the problem.
  • If you have received the “Manual spam” in Google webmaster tool than it is the Alert of your ranking drops and that means your site is affected by penguin 2.1 update.

Google Penguin has no tolerance for what it considers an over-optimized website. So optimize your website as per latest Google Quality guidelines and focus only the Users not for the ranking. If your site will gain the visitors then your website will rank automatically.